Summer Memories

Lobster Boats II


One week after Labour Day I’m getting back into non-summer mode with a regular routine and everything. I thought today would be a good day to look back on my summer travels. This summer I travelled to both the east and west coasts of Canada, and spent a few days in the rockies!

Photos are on my flickr page. In chronological order experience the maritimes then my trip to BC and Alberta.

A Quick Lesson in Bad Linking Practices

Yesterday when I signed out of my Hotmail account I was thrilled to see an article about grammar called Bad grammar backlash: Facebook groups, CBC show focus on state of the language, and even more pleased to see that it talks a bit about misuse of apostrophes.

However, when I clicked on some of the links in the article to find out more information I was not taken to a relevant site. I was taken to a Windows Live search for the linked text! Sometimes this is appropriate, but if I’m reading an article that mentions the CBC, and it’s linked, I expect to be taken to the CBC‘s web site. The same goes for Facebook groups. If the name of a group is linked it should be linked to that group’s home page. If that is not possible then it either shouldn’t be linked or it should be linked to a page describing the Facebook group, not to a page of search results.

I know that they’re trying to promote the new Live Search, but there’s a right way and there’s a wrong way. Disappointing users when they click links in articles is the wrong way.

Garden Update

After Eating
Garden Portrait

It’s been almost two months since I provided a garden update and several things have happened.
First, just before I went out west, (more on that another day), a groundhog or something got into the garden and started eating leaves. By the time I left a cucumber plant was missing most of its leaves, the carrots only had stems — no leaved, and most of the snow peas had been eaten. However by the time I got back ten days later most things had recovered. The peas, however, are no longer.

Since then I’ve been eating turnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, (and more beans and more beans), and basil, (planted near the tomatoes after the radishes finished. It’s been a good harvest so far and it’s just getting started.

About the photos: The first is the groundhog, or whatever it is, that ate my garden. The second is the garden after being eaten, and the third is the garden the day before yesterday. Clicking each photo will bring you to that photo’s flickr page.