Preview Laravel Password Reset and Verification E-mails in a Browser

I’m building something on Laravel, using the built-in Auth with 5.7’s new E-mail Verification feature. Today’s task was to tweak the design of E-mail notifications a bit, so I wanted to preview them in a browser. I thought it would be easy, but the built-in E-mails use the Notification system, bypassing Mailable objects. Some Googling didn’t help much, but combining the Notifications documentation and this forum post got let me preview the messages. Hopefully this post can help someone else preview their messages much more quickly than I did today.

The concept is similar to the “Previewing Mailables” documentation: define a route to view your preview on, and return something that will render the message. The trick is that the MailMessage objects that the Notifications’ toMail() methods return don’t have a render() method like Mailable class does, so we need to find something else. Since the built-in Auth uses Markdown mail we can use the Markdown class. A Notifiable object, (the User object for the user who will get the notification), and a Notification are also needed.

For this to work you need to have the right Notifications published to your resources/views/vendor directory. This is done with the Artisan command php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-notifications.

And set up the preview routes:

Route::get('/reset-notification', function () {

    // Get a user for demo purposes
    $user = App\User::find(1);

    // Make a Reset Notification object, (subclass of `Notification`)
    $resetNotification = new \Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\ResetPassword( 'some-random-string-this-will-be-much-longer-in-real-life' );

    // get the `MailMessage` object
    $mailMessage = $resetNotification->toMail($user);

    // get the `Markdown` object
    $markdown = new Illuminate\Mail\Markdown(view(), config('mail.markdown'));

    // Render the view with data from the `MailMessage` object
    return $markdown->render('', $mailMessage->toArray());

Route::get( '/verify-notification', function () {

    // Get a user for demo purposes
    $user = App\User::find(1);

    // Make a Verify Notification object, (subclass of `Notification`)
    $verifyNotification = new Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\VerifyEmail();

    // get the `MailMessage` object
    $mailMessage = $verifyNotification->toMail($user);

    // get the `Markdown` object
    $markdown = new Illuminate\Mail\Markdown(view(), config('mail.markdown'));

    // Render the view with data from the `MailMessage` object
    return $markdown->render('', $mailMessage->toArray());

Once the Notification is published and the routes created it is possible to preview the Password Reset and E-mail Verification E-mails in the browser.

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