Candace is kind of funny. I was hoping for one more act when the book ended.
I have read:
My list of what I've read. Everything goes in here, even the embarrasing stuff. That way I, (hopefully), don't get duplicates as gifts, and eventually I can be proud of my long list.
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The Camera
This book makes me want a view camera.
Want to read it yourself? Get from Amazon:
The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success: Overcoming Myths that Hinder Progress
Mark did a great job of explaining why all the things that are supposed to “save” the planet won’t, but what an actual path to meaningful action on climate change can look like, and show’s that it is affordable.
Unfortunately, the conclusion is that we have to get out and engage with our leaders and involve in the political process. Which is true, but I find it frustrating that we need to do that.