Gallery Captions for WooCommerce

Gallery Captions for WooCommerce is a WooCommerce Extension that adds captions to the product images on WooCommerce’s Single-Product page. It is my first commercial WooCommerce extension, and I’m happy to say it’s available for purchase on

Why Captions?

On the surface this seems like a question with an obvious answer: To tell potential customers what they’re seeing in an image.

But when researching I found even more compelling reasons: Captions may be the most-read text on a page, (even more than the page title!). If a caption isn’t the most-read text it’s still very well-read, and the combination of an image and caption can help customers understand what they’re looking at and make a well-informed buying decision.

Super Simple

Gallery Captions is super simple to use. There is documentation, (of course), but it’s barely needed. There are no settings, just install & activate the plugin and it will pull the information set as the Title and Caption in your Media Library. I may add options in the future to choose to show the title, caption, or description, but for now it’s super-simple.

Add Captions to Your Store

If you want to add captions to your WooCommerce product galleries, (and you should want to), then go ahead and use Gallery Captions for WooCommerce.